Monday, July 22, 2013

I've Got This... (I Think)

I'm an expert "list maker".  (Unfortunately, I'm not always an expert list-checker-offer).  In preparation for our re-entry into our lives as a pilot family, I've been making lists.  Quinn's to-do list, school supplies list, soccer gear list, my project list, my work to-do list... it's kinda out of hand.  Sometimes the lists make me feel like I'm in control of the situation - most of the time they just make me feel overwhelmed.  Seeing all of the crap I need to do and knowing there's no way it will all get done when I want it to makes me feel a little panicky.  Yet, for some reason, I always make the lists.

As Quinn's departure date gets closer and closer, my roller coaster of emotions gets crazier and crazier.  I'm excited for him to get back to doing what he loves.  And I'm excited for us to end all of this job uncertainty.  But I'm also dreading the single mom thing.  I'm trying to summon my inner SuperMom, but she's been on sabbatical for such a long time that I'm having a hard time getting her to get her butt in gear and get back to work.

Aside from all of the list making, I've been doing lots of other things to prepare for this transition.  I've been taking every opportunity to have time alone or with friends - this is purely unselfish- I'm just giving Quinn lots of quality time with the kids! :)  I went back and read through all of my blog posts - not only did I laugh at the ridiculousness that is my life, it gave me a little boost of confidence that I can survive this again- it's just like riding a bike, right?  I've looked everywhere for that darn SuperMom cape- I know it's here somewhere!

Quinn is preparing as well.  He's working on finishing some projects at home and at the kids' school. He's studying airplane stuff (that's as technical as I care to get).  He's also trying to spend lots of time with the kids and give me time to mentally prepare. 

As I mentally prepare, I have to remind myself that it's only a month of training, and then he'll be on a more "normal" schedule.  I also have to remember that I'm not alone - I have an amazing support system of friends and family that are always ready to pitch in.  If there was ever a couple to live this kind of life, it's Quinn and I - we'll find our rhythm again - we'll re-learn how to pass the baton back and forth and how to stay connected despite the distance.  We'll have our fair share of turbulence, and it won't always be pretty and graceful - but it will be interesting!

We've got this!

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